Chinese Checkers Game Rules and How to Play Guide

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Chinese Checkers

In this article, you can learn about the basic rules of Chinese Checkers. The object of the game is to be the first player to move all of your 10 pegs across the board and into the opposite triangle. The first player to occupy all 10 destination holes is the winner.


Each player picks a color and puts the matching colored pegs in the corresponding triangle. In a two-player game, players must pick opposite triangles, in three-player game players starting positions are every other triangle. And in a four-player game, players pick two opposing pairs of triangles. Lastly, in a six-player game, players use all the triangles.


Pick a player to go first then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, you must move a single peg of your own color to an adjacent space or hop an adjacent peg to an empty space directly on the other side. You are allowed to string together multiple hops in one turn. Secondly, you may hop any peg including your own so long as the hop is in a straight line. Thirdly, you may change directions after each hop. Lastly, you may not hop to the side of a peg and you may not hop two pegs in one jump.

Pegs are never removed from the board and can move in any direction. However, once a peg has reached the opposing triangle it may not be moved out of the triangle only within the triangle.

You may only land a peg in your own triangle and the triangle opposite you. You may hop through another triangle so long as you don’t end your turn in that triangle. The first player to get all his pegs to the opposite triangle wins. If one or more of the holes in the destination triangle contains a peg belonging to another player this does not prevent a player from winning, the game is simply won when all the available spots within the triangle are occupied with his pegs.

Chinese Checkers Game on the Market

The board game Chinese Checkers is on the market in many versions. The link to the one that I refer to in this article is here:

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