In this article, I introduce you to the most famous brands of luxury handbags in the world. Handbags are accessories that ladies adore, and many women are also passionate collectors of this stylized fashion accessory, with which each clothing combination takes on a special look, and becomes much more beautiful and modern.
Some have gone a step further in the production of bags, and these are the world’s most famous brands whose bags represent much more than a fashion piece in which we carry the necessary things – they are a symbol of prestige and refined taste.
And here are the brands that created such models!
Louis Vuitton – a pattern that is easily recognizable
Louis Vuitton is a brand that has a distinctive plaid design that is recognized even by those who are not big fans of fashion. The bags of this brand are extremely impressive, and can bring out the whole styling. These luxury handbags are on the shelf of every collector, and there are some models that stand out.
There are certain models of this brand that stand out, and one such is the Speedy bag, which was introduced to the world during the 1930s. The recognizable chic monogram of Louis Vuitton soon conquered the world, and this bag received a special status when it was taken by Audrey Hepburn.
An interesting fact is that at the request of this diva, a smaller version of this bag was created, better known as the Speedy 25 model.
Over the years, the Neverfull bag of this brand has also gained its popularity. It is a large model of a Vuitton bag, which can really fit everything.
Chanel – glamor and sophistication of the French brand
Coco Chanel is synonymous with refined style and perfect looks, and this French brand has stood out for its numerous fashion pieces, among which a special place is occupied by their handbags, which have become a symbol of elegance and good taste.
Among the famous models of this brand is the Chanel 2.55 Flap Bag, a bag that was introduced to the world back in 1955, by Coco Chanel himself. Her idea was to transform evening bags by adding a chain-shaped belt to them. Today, we see this chain on many handbags that were inspired by this timeless beauty.
The quality workmanship of this bag, as well as its unique and recognizable design, have made this bag one of the most famous models in the world. It retained its primary appearance until 1983, when Karl Lagerfeld, who then became part of Chanel, redesigned it by adding the CC logo to the handbag, which is still in vogue.
Hermes – popular “Birkinka”
Another French brand that stood out with its fantastic bags is Hermes, whose bags have even been given a popular nickname by which many know them. It is a Birkin bag, which has the status of a world fashion icon among bags. It was named after the famous Jane Birkin, who was a supermodel, actress and singer in the 1980s.
In 1984, this bag was created for the first time, especially for Jane, and in a very interesting way. Namely, on the plane, she met Jean-Louis Dumas, the owner of this renowned fashion brand, to whom she complained that no bag meets her needs. Then Louis took over this task, and created her dream purse.
The popularity of this bag has been shown in many film and serial productions, so in the cult American TV series “Sex and the City” which was shown in the late 1990s, the famous scene in which Samantha (one of the main four roles in the series) comes to the prestigious Hermes store in New York to sign up for the waiting list of the popular “Birkin”.
Fendi – Italian chic and attention to detail
Another fashion house celebrated by unique handbags is Fendi. This Italian brand cultivates a special chic and attention to detail. The model of the bag that makes it stand out is the Fendi Baguette, an elegant and minimalist handbag that is perfect for an evening out.
The famous Carrie Bradshaw, the heroine of the above-mentioned series “Sex and the City” but also a cult fashion icon, most often wore this model of handbag during the series, which gained worldwide popularity at the time. Another fashion icon who wore this handbag is the famous Rihanna, who even received a personalized version of this handbag.
We hope that this trip through the world of high fashion was interesting for you, and that you find inspiration in world fashion brands that dictate trends.