Summer is already here and we hope that you managed to get the shape and weight you wanted. To make this job easier for you, we will present you fitness applications that will help you stay in shape. Here are some apps that take care of what you eat and drink, and there are also those that take care of how much you move. All this is important so that we stay fit during the summer and to satisfy all the needs of our organism, so let’s go!
- My Fitness Pal ( Android , iOS ) – This free app brings a complete package and offers the ability to track how many calories you are ingesting(thanks to a database of over 6 million groceries). You can easily enter what exactly you eat because the application supports bar code reading, and you can always enter a certain ingredient manually. In addition to counting the calories you take into your body, My Fitness Pal allows you to set your goal and helps you reach it, gives you the option to follow your exercise program, offers the ability to connect this with many other fitness apps, and there is always a community of fans of this fitness app that you can join. In addition to so many features, it is no wonder that My Fitness Pal is one of the most popular applications of its kind in the world.
- Calorie Counter ( Android , iOS ) – here is another fitness application that has a wide range of interesting options. There is a bar code scanner, weight tracking, diet plan, recipes for dishes you should eat , and even a list of restaurants where you should eat (which of course is not supported for our market, but can serve when you abroad). If you want, you can join the community that uses this application and share your experiences with them.
- Carbs Control ( Android , iOS ) – as the name of this fitness app says, Carbs Control will help you control the intake of carbohydrates in your body . Since foods that contain carbohydrates are considered the biggest culprits for excess weight, this application will help you avoid foods such as potatoes, pasta and, of course, sweets. This application can be very useful for diabetics and people who have decided to switch to one of the diets that includes a low carbohydrate intake. With a base of over 80,000 types of food, Carbs Control will help you always know how many carbohydrates you have taken into your body.
- Fooducate ( Android , iOS ) – Fooducate combines food and education, that is, information about it. Fooducate is focused on a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet . The secret weapon of this fitness application is reading bar codes from the groceries we buy. After reading the article, the application will tell you which are good and which are harmful ingredients in a given product. In addition, you can compare the products themselves and easily find a healthier alternative to any item. It is important to emphasize that this application does not cooperate with any company from the food industry, but is completely independent, so it should give a neutral judgment about which product is healthier.
- ShopWell ( Android , iOS ) – here is another application that is based on reading the bar code from the products we buy, and what distinguishes it from other fitness applications is the way it uses this data. The first thing to do after installing ShopWell is to enter your diet plan (number of calories, types of foods, and even make a list of ingredients to which you are allergic or intolerant). When you go to the store, scan the product barcode and ShopWell will tell you if that food fits into your plan and will suggest some alternatives that you could try to enrich your menu. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
- Calorie Counter (MyNetDiary) , ( Android , iOS ) – the logo of this fitness application is an apple wrapped in a tailor’s meter with which we usually measure the circumference of the waist (or biceps). Calorie Counter pays the most attention to exercise and movement, as well as optimal intake of water, minerals and vitamins . At the same time, this application takes care of your measures. When you start Calorie Counter you need to enter how many calories you would like to ingest per day and how many you would like to be physically active. Everything else the app itself will tell you and will help you reach your goals more easily.
- My Diet Coach ( Android , iOS ) – what sets My Diet Coach apart from other fitness apps is that the primary purpose of this gadget is to help you solve mental problems that are directly related to weight . This application deals with your self-image, encourages you to start your journey to health in small steps, daily shows you various motivational messages that are there to encourage you and serves it all in a very nice and fun way. Of course, like other fitness apps, My Diet Coach measures how many calories you ingest per day and how much you progress toward your desired goals.

This was my selection of fitness apps that can help you look and feel perfect this summer. Whichever one you choose you will certainly not go wrong because they are all there just to help us stay persistent and persistent on our path to good shape. So enjoy the flight and don’t count too many calories, let the apps do it for you.